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What is Metaphysical Healing?

Updated: Oct 6, 2021

According to Louise Hay we create every so-called illness in our body. The body, like everything else in life, is a mirror of our inner thoughts. Louise states that every cell within our body responds to every single thought we think and every word we speak. She believes that negative thinking patterns can cause us to develop disease in our bodies.

So what is metaphysical healing? Metaphysical healing is when look to address the thinking patterns that may be causing our illnesses. When you get sick your body is telling you that something you're doing isn't good for you. You can choose thoughts that create a healthy mental atmosphere or thoughts that contribute to illness. Louise Hay's book "Heal Your Body" is a guide to metaphysical causes of dis-ease, and includes all the affirmations you need to heal your body.

With metaphysical healing we look beyond the physical body and address the mental patterns that could be causing illness. Using affirmations is one of the most effective way to reprogram your mind to replace negative thinking with positive thoughts that are healing.

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